Friday, 14 June 2013

Post- 18 Week: Medical schools, their requirements & how to prepare yourself for medicine!

Heyyy All (:

I started this week back in school. Us sixth formers had an annoyingly boring assembly about the 'benefits' of Post- 18 week at our sixth form and were introduced to the sixth form's sticker scheme, in which all students had to collect stickers for every event that we attended during the week. But hey, I collected the most stickers (yipeeee), and I won a 'fantastic' prize. I write that with sarcasm.

Post- 18 week highlighted the basics of life after sixth form, what happens when we get our AS results, what sort of stuff a medical applicant should be doing and most of all, what is needed in the ideal medical applicant. This is what I learnt over the week:

Applying to Medicine:

Entry Requirements:
- Most universities want AAA for their standard courses, with Oxbridge asking
for A*AA
- Foundation courses for medicine (an extra year including the five years) ask for AAA-BCC depending of the university

Admissions test:
- Most medical school ask for UKCAT
- Oxbridge, UCL and Imperial ask for BMAT
- Some medical schools such as Birmingham don't ask for an admissions test but emphasize other elements of the application such as GCSE Grades (Ask for 8 A*'S from their applicants)

- AS Grades should be a minimum of BBBB so predictions can be a minimum of AAAb

Personal Statement:
- An amazing opening paragraph highlighting why you were inspired to choose medicine
- Relevant work experience, great long term voluntary work, preferably more than one example, and clearly detailed example of how the work experience has helped you to understand the role of a doctor, and what you have learnt from the experience.
- Extra- curricular activities to show that you're a well- rounded individual
- A memorable ending to the PS

Work experience:
- Some useful clinical work experience is needed- preferably in a hospital/ GP

Medical Universities:
- Go and visit them!
- London universities are very competitive to get into, so do your research before applying!
- Below is a table for all Medical universities and their requirements

Medical School Typical OfferA2 Chemistry A2 Biology Other Not Acceptable?
Aberdeen AAA Yes (to grade B minimum) 1 of Bio / Maths / Physics No preference for third subject. Combinations of Chemistry, Biology and a non-science subject are as acceptable as all-science combinations. Check with Medical Admissions Office if in doubt about suitability of a subject.General Studies.
Barts and The London AAAb AS/A2 AS/A2 Two sciences at A2 - one must be Biology or Chemistry (if one of these is dropped before A2, a B grade must be attained in that subject). Third A2 can be science or non-science. AS can be in any academic subject. General Studies, Critical Thinking, Further Maths (not considered as a separate A2 but acceptable as an additional AS level only).
Birmingham A*AA Yes Yes Zoology or Human Biology are acceptable substitutes for Biology. "Preference will be given to those applicants who offer AAAA, achieved by the end of the first year of A level study" General Studies, Critical Thinking.
Brighton and SussexAAA Yes (grade A) Yes (grade A) Do not specify the nature of the third A level subject. General Studies, Critical Thinking.
Bristol AAAc Yes (grade A) No One other laboratory based science subject. General Studies, Critical Thinking. The choice of subjects should avoid undue overlap of content. For example Biology and Physical Education; Biology and Sports Science; Maths and Further Maths.
Cambridge* A*AA Highly desirable (at A2) AS Must have passes in three of Bio / Chem / Maths / Phys with at least one of these at A2. Cambridge special note: Christ’s, Downing, Jesus, Magdalene, Newnham, Peterhouse, St John’s, and Trinity prefer applicants to have 3 science/maths subjects to full A Level. Chemistry at A2 is essential for St Johns. Mathematics at A2 is essential for Magdalene. "Although many Colleges consider applicants offering only two science/mathematics subjects at A Level, please note that the success rate of such applicants is much lower. In the past three admissions rounds, 98 per cent of applicants for Medicine (A100) offered three or more science/mathematics A Levels and, of these, 22 per cent were successful in obtaining a place. Of the two per cent of applicants who offered only two science/mathematics A Levels, just six per cent were successful in gaining a place."
Cardiff AAAc AS/A2 AS/A2 At least two science subjects (one must be Bio/Chem) and an AS level in a fourth subject with at least a C grade. Offer includes A grade in either A2 Chem or Bio. If Chem/Bio not offered at A2, the AS must have a grade of at least B. General Studies (neither AS/A2), Critical Thinking (considered at AS but not A2). For applicants taking two or more Maths/Statistics subjects (eg Further Maths), only one will count towards an offer.
DundeeAAAYes No One other science at A2, third of your choice (plus at least GCSE Biology or Dual Science if individual sciences not taken). Human Biology accepted instead of Biology A level. These results should be obtained at one sitting and at the first attempt at A level examinations, two years after GCSE. General Studies.
Durham AAA AS/A2 AS/A2 Chemistry and/or Biology at A or AS level. If only one is offered, the other should be offered at GCSE (or Dual Science) grade A .General Studies, Critical Thinking.
East AngliaAAAb No Yes General Studies, Critical Thinking.
EdinburghAAAb Yes 1 of Bio / Maths / Physics Biology must be taken to at least AS. Human Biology may replace Biology. General Studies. Only one of Maths and Further Maths is considered.
ExeterA*AA-AAA Yes Bio/Physics General Studies.
Glasgow AAAYes 1 of Bio / Maths / Physics If Biology is not offered at A2 it must be offered at AS or GCSE (minimum grade B). Human Biology is an acceptable alternative to Biology. General Studies not acceptable as a third subject at A2. Maths and Further Maths are not considered as separate subjects.
Hull York AAAb (typical offer but will accept applications from those predicted AAB) YesYes Extended Project won't be part of offer but is respected. All other subjects considered of equal merit as third A2. Maths and Further Maths can be taken together, but will need Chemistry and Biology at A2 as well. General Studies, Applied Science, Critical Thinking.
Imperial AAAb/AAACAS/A2 AS/A2 Chemistry and/or Biology at A or AS level (B at AS-level if one is dropped), plus one other science/maths subject. Vocational Subjects, General Studies.
Keele AAAb/A*ABb Chemistry AS (at grade B at least) if not offered at A2Chemistry or Biology is essential plus one subject from Chem / Bio / Maths / Physics. One further rigorous academic subject. EPQ can be taken instead of 4th AS level. General Studies, Key Skills, Critical Thinking and Applied Subjects (e.g. Applied Business).
King's College London AAAb/AAaabAS/A2AS/A2 Chemistry or Biology required at A2 - if one is not offered at A2 is must be offered at AS. Applicants who offer non-science subjects (humanities, languages, social sciences) welcomed. General Studies, Critical Thinking. Further Maths at A2.
Lancaster AAAb Yes Yes On other academic subject at A2. EPQ may be acceptable as 4th AS Further Maths, General Studies + Critical Thinking (only as 4th AS).
Leeds AAAYes (A grade) No Those with 4th A2 at no advantage. General Studies, Critical Thinking.
Leicester AAAYes AS Should have taken 4 AS levels. General Studies, Further Maths.
Liverpool AAAb Yes (A grade) Yes (A grade) AAAC at A-Level will not meet the requirements of the standard offer, unless the C has previously been certificated at AS Level at grade B or above. EPQ may count as 4th AS. General Studies and Critical Thinking only considered as 4th subject. Only one of Maths or Further Maths will be considered.
Manchester AAA Yes1 of Bio / Maths / Physics Including unit grade information is encouraged. If Biology or Physics are not offered at AS, must be offered at GCSE. Critical Thinking and General Studies cannot be 3rd A2.
Newcastle AAAAS/A2 AS/A2 Chemistry and/or biology at A or AS level. If only one of Chemistry / Biology is offered at AS/A2, the other should be offered at grade A in GCSE (Dual Science is also acceptable). General Studies, Critical Thinking.
Nottingham AAA Yes (grade A) Yes (grade A) Third A level can be any academic subject. Human Biology is accepted instead of Biology. General Studies and Critical Thinking.
Oxford A*AA Yes 1 of Bio / Maths / Physics Critical Thinking, General Studies.
Peninsula A*AAc - AAAcYes AS/A2 Chemistry and either Biology or Physics at A2. One non-science preferred. General Studies. No AS/A2 below a C grade is considered. Subjects should not overlap e.g. Maths and Further Maths.
Plymouth A*AAc - AAAcYes Yes Biology or Physics at A2. General Studies.
Queen's Belfast AAAa Yes 1 of Bio / Maths / Physics If not offered at A2, AS Biology must be at least grade B. General Studies. Maximum of one GCE Applied A level will be considered.
Sheffield AAA Yes No Two sciences must be offered at A2 (one must be Chemistry). Third A2 of your choice. General Studies.
SouthamptonAAA Yes Yes AAA, including chemistry and biology, plus either grade A at AS Level in a subject not studied at A2 or grade A in the Extended Project Qualification. General Studies. Overlapping subjects e.g. Maths and Further Maths, Biology and Sports Studies may not be offered in combination at A2 level.
St Andrews AAA Yes (A grade) 1 of Bio / Maths / Physics If Biology and Mathematics are not offered at A2 or AS Level, each must have been passed at least GCSE grade B. Dual award Science is not acceptable in lieu of GCSE Biology. General Studies, Critical Thinking.
St Georges AAAb AS/A2 Chemistry and/or Biology at A2. The other must be at AS. If attending a low performing school (lower than 517.7 average where A=270 B=240 C=210 D=180 at A2, and half at AS) then an offer as low as BBCb may be given. General Studies, Key Skills.
UCL AAAe Yes Yes Some preference given to those with a contrasting subject. Maths and Further Maths would only be considered as one A level. It is preferred that applicants take 3 full A levels in one sitting, so applicants who have taken A levels early will still be expected to take 3 full A levels at the end of the second sixth form year. References must include both the A2 and AS level predictions/grades achieved to be considered.

Ouch. Really competitive to get a place at medical school, but it's kind of expected.

Anyway, a good week.

Will post again next week.

Unit then, get your head down and revise fellow geeksters XD.

Amini (:

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